Written by:Â Christine Svedjemo
We’ve all been there. Some documentation needs to be produced and it’s been going well for a while, but suddenly your brain just doesn’t work anymore and your fingers just won’t type another word. You have writer’s block!
Our consultants Johanna Hansen and Christine Svedjemo have many years of experience writing all sorts of texts and know a bit on how to overcome a classic writer's block.
The reason for writer’s block is usually either that you don’t feel motivated, or that you have performance anxiety. Or maybe, you’re just exhausted. The worst thing you can do is keep trying and trying once you’ve noticed that you’re not getting anywhere. Here are our best tips and tricks on how to get rid of writer’s block.
Try distancing yourself from the topic. For today it's fine if the content isn’t perfect, just write something that can later be improved. And who knows, when you take a second look at it, it might not be as bad as you first thought.
Have a cup of coffee and chat with a coworker.
Go for a walk.
Switch to another task that is completely different.
Use an online motivational writing tool, for example https://writtenkitten.co/ or similar to hype yourself up!
Go home! Do some exercise and have a good night’s sleep, this usually helps things fall into place until the next day.
Do something that inspires you - read a book, listen to your favorite music, go for a bike ride to the sea or a forest.
Write about your frustrations and difficulties unfiltered. Releasing stress might spark that creativity again!
Our advice to you: Try our tips and tricks out! In time, you’ll find what works best for you, and eventually you might even learn to use this advice to prevent writer’s block by taking the breaks you need from the start and create variation in your workday.