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Image by Leone Venter

A colorful team-building activity creating art at SPLAT FABRIKEN

Updated: Jan 3

Two women painting

A few months ago the Malmö informiQ team got a chance to try a unique and dopamine triggering paint session together. Throwing, dripping and splashing color on a canvas while listening to music and having fun with fellow colleagues? Yes, please! 

Thanks to our very own graphic design consultant, Lina, we found the perfect place for the informiQ Fall/Winter kick-off of 2023 team-building activity. Yes, we know. It’s kind of old news now leaning into 2024, but this wonderful team-building happening cannot go unnoticed. Who knew that technical writer consultants could create such wonderful art? Apparently they are not just word wizards, but also secretly paint splatting artists.

From a blank canvas to a splatted masterpiece

The concept of paint splatting is pretty simple: Put on an overall to protect your clothes, mix the colors you like and start creating your masterpiece by splatting it onto the blank canvas. There are no limits other than your own imagination.

An hour went by quickly and some of us (no names mentioned) had to be told to gently put down the paintbrush. It was so amusing that we could have kept going for hours! The art session was followed by a well-deserved pizza and burger dinner at Matverkstaden.

Thank you Amanda and SPLAT FABRIKEN for a memorable and energizing autumn kick-off. We hope that you will soon pop up somewhere else for others to enjoy the fun. 

Group of people sitting infront of a brick wall and a big window with two people lying on tables

Curious of our excellent consultants and their skills in technical communication, web design and content creation? You can read all about them om the informiQ team page.


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